Thursday, October 4, 2012

Manhattan Wedding (AKA The Wedding That Made My Eyes Pop Out of My Head)

My last trip wasn't all work. Meg and Nell flew up at the end of the week so we could attend the wedding of one of her college friends. If vows are being exchanged, I'm gonna be there.  When you combine a wedding with Manhattan, you know it's gonna be a doozy. It did not disappoint. When Meg got the invite, I called in all favors to be her plus one. Lucky for me Eddie didn't care as much.

It was an afternoon wedding on the Upper East Side at the church where the funeral of Jackie O. was held. The reception was a black tie affair at The Pierre.  Fabulous, right? Even better in person, especially when you probably consumed enough food/drink to equal the value of one of your cars.

But I digress. After the exposition, we have to have a little rising action...the conflict. Because it was black tie and we are not black tie folk, we had a dress problem. Once we figured out what black tie meant, that is. I had a dress that would work from Meg's wedding. All that was needed was to shed a few pounds (or a really good pair of Spanks, which worked for me). Meg didn't have anything so she went online to Rent the Runway and ordered a dress to be shipped to NY the day she got there. At this site, you can pick out expensive designer clothes and rent them for pretty cheap for the day of your event and the drop them in the mail the next day. Perfect, except that Meg is shorter than your average super model, so the cute lacy black dress hung below her knees and looked a little matronly. No problem, they said, we can ship something else. There is no way to describe how this took place. Meg was trying to whisper so she wouldn't wake the baby (we were staying in a one room studio) and look at the images on her phone of the dresses they suggested while also talking on it at the same time. The battery ran out and her charger was a little compact one, with a 4 inch cord. She is sitting on the floor, with her head against the wall while she listens, looks, listens, looks until finally she tells (whispers to) them to just pick a cute dress, she's done. She EXPLICITLY tells them not to come before 6, there was no doorman and we wouldn't be at the apt. This all happens Friday morning with the delivery to be that evening. It never happened. They came at 5, no one answered, so they took it back! By the time we realized they weren't coming, the offices were closed. We are now at wedding minus 18 hrs. with no dress. They don't open until 10 the next morning.

Meg got on the phone first thing(wedding minus 5) and they said they could deliver it at 2, but that was too late and we weren't going to be there anyway, we had beauty obligations. So instead, she hopped on a subway and rushed down the the delivery office and picked it up. We met at Macy's and had our makeup done with a baby strapped to my chest and then hustled up a few dozen blocks to get our hair done at 1:45. Helena was starving so I bought a smoothie for her to drink at the salon. Bad move. She dumped it all over the waiting area.

While a crew of people tried to clean up the growing slick of blueberry smoothie, we went back to get our hair done. So fancy! I've never had a "blow out" before. I could get used to it. After that, we trotted 10 blocks back to the apt, threw on our clothes and left. Meg hadn't even tried on the dress, it was still in the bag as we hauled it across Midtown, but it fit just fine. We caught a cab and got the the church right at 3:30. Here are a few pics of the wedding. Isn't she beautiful?

After the ceremony, we were off to the reception. And what a glorious affair that was! Waiters passing caviar, champagne and pigs in a blanket. I kid you not, and that's what they called them! Not "sausage in puff pastry", but "Ma'am would you care for a glass of champagne and a pig in a blanket?"!  There was so much food (look at the PDF of the reception menu on the link), I thought I would die...a wonderful, food induced death. We sat with some charming people who may have been a little to free on sharing the intimate details of their lives (filters, people!), but what the heck. If you want to share the stuff you do at 70, go right ahead. It gives me hope.

When the 2 hours of cocktail hour concluded, we waddled over the Grand Ballroom for dinner and dancing. It was incredible and I enjoyed every minute.

The flowers were amazing and so was the cake. It's covered in hand made sugar flowers and is by Sylvia Weinstock. Go ahead and take a peek at that link, too.

So glad I got to go.  I don't know what I expected, but everyone was so gracious and kind. I didn't feel out of place at all. What a great experience that I'm sure was a once in a life time for me. Thanks, Meg for letting me be your plus one!

Meg with the bride. Isn't she so cute? The bride, I mean, but Meg is cute, too.

This is a PS for my photographer friends. Check out that camera he is using! You could hear him cranking it after each shot. I nearly had a heart attack for him when he had to change film right before they came back down the aisle. 

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